Below is a list of contributed talks. Slides available upon request.

2024Cabling squeezed knotschalkUGA, GSTS
2023Squeezed knots and slice torus invariantsslideUGA, Candidacy Oral Exam
 Slice torus invariants and genus minimizing cobordismsslideHarvard, GSTGC
 Goeritz matrices and the Jones polynomialchalkUGA, GSS
 On Agol’s proof that ribbon concordance is a partial orderchalkUGA, GSTS
2022HFK: top and next-to-top gradingsslideUGA, GSTS
 Motivating Heegaard-Floer with the L-space conjectureslideUGA, GSTS
 Spin & spinᶜslideUGA, GSTS
 Cutting out knotsslideUGA, GSS
2021On the analogy between knots and primesslideUGA, GSS